Breathing and meditation techniques for deep healing, mental balance and connecting with our inner spirit. The true essence of yoga and the secret to lasting harmony and happiness.
Hatha Yoga Level 1
For beginners. Learn the classical asanas safely and correctly. Master this class and then move to All Levels.
Hatha Yoga All Levels
For intermediate to advanced students. Move into asana that purify, cleanse and heal on deep levels. Feel energized, strong and blissful.
Hatha Yoga Level II
Challenging asanas for those who have mastered the mind and its limiting beliefs. Hold poses longer and reach higher states. Instructor approval required.
Surya Namaskar Practice & Form
Learn sun salutations and focus on form, precision, breath and timing. Required before Hatha classes.
Gentle Yoga
The instructor demonstrates asanas with greater detail and safer techniques allowing more time for students to adapt to poses.
Chair Yoga
Use the chair for support as you practice all the primary asana, standing, sitting, balancing and more.
Kids Yoga & Fitness
For kids, with kids, led by kids. A fun class that will get your children to love Yoga at an early age.
Trataka Candle Meditation
Strengthen eyesight naturally and open the third eye of wisdom, creativity, and intuition. Held once per season.
Yoga Therapy
Private classes that use various yoga techniques for healing and pain relief according to your condition.
Indian Dance & Stretch
Shake off your worries and shed your anxieties with this upbeat and fun class. Promotes joint health and staming while teaching your brain something new.
Chinmaya Mission Yoga
Weekly classes in person open to members of Chinmaya Mission or by donation.