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These classes guide us through focused and intense gazing at a candle flame to help us improve and strengthen our eyesight, increase focus and concentration, improve our meditation skills, and take us to greater heights of spiritual awareness.  This practice is incredibly important in today's world of overuse of screens and digital devices that weaken our eye muscles.  Trataka is the natural solution to preserving our eyesight and maintaining healthy brain function.


This class is held monthly (see schedule for next date) and is an appropriate add-on to other yoga and meditation classes.  Suitable for all levels.


Certified Instructor:  Amita Jain



  • 45 min Trataka meditation class
  • Option to join live in-studio classes with instructor, held through out the year


Purchase a single class or ongoing classes with subscription.

Trataka Yoga for the Eyes

Price Options
One-time purchase
Trataka Classes
$15.00every month until canceled
  • Cancel at any time.  No refunds once monthly payment is made.

  • Vedic Health Inc is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization - your payments toward class fees, consultations, subscriptions, etc are all tax-deductible.  Retain your electronic receipts.




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--Swami Chinmayananda

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Vedic Yoga is part of Vedic Health Inc, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose members  provide information and education in Yoga and Ayurveda, and other holistic and natural health subjects.  Our members are not trained in Western medical diagnosis or treatments, are not physicians, nor licensed health care professionals. No medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment is given.  You should be evaluated by a physician if you are suffering from a disease or symptom. 


This site will remain ad-free.   © 2025 Vedic Yoga.  All rights reserved.   Vedic Health Inc | 15235 Shady Grove Rd, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850 | 240-753-0151

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