Lotus Pose
Yogis are advised to meditate in Padmasana. Activate kundalini energy and feel it rise up the spine to the crown of the head, leading to mystical experiences.
Sit on the floor with the legs stretched out completely and bring the spine straight and relax.
Bend the right leg at the knee, hold the right foot and place it over the left thigh at the root, the heel close to the left side of the lower abdomen or close to the navel.
Inhale and bring the left leg bent at the knee and place the left foot over the right thigh at the root, with the heel close to the left side of the lower abdomen or close to the navel. Exhale completely.
Here the soles of the feet should be turned up with the ankle of one foot stacked on the other
Place the arms on the knees and touch the of the thumb and the index finger with each other and stretch the other fingers out. The palms should be facing up and placed at the beginning of the knee cap.
From the base of the neck, the spine should be straight and erect.
In Lotus Pose (Padmasana) all the various Pranayama techniques can be practiced if one is comfortably seated in this pose. The effect of Pranayama on the body is more when practiced in this pose.
Initially neither the spine nor the knees and ankles will allow you to sit comfortably, due to stiffness. But with repeated practice, this yoga pose will help in opening the ankles and the knees making it a yoga pose that will relax the body easily.
One can practice changing the leg positions in order to develop the legs at the ankles and the knees evenly.
Padmasana Modifications:
To make Lotus Pose (Padmasana) easy, here are some modifications:
One Legged Lotus Pose: One could start sitting in One Legged Lotus Pose and after repeated practice, go into full Lotus Pose (Padmasana).
Blocks under knees: Putting pressure at the ankles may be painful without practice. So one can use a support by placing blocks under the knees, keeping the knee raised to support the ankle.
Sit on Cushion or Blanket: If the spine is not ready yet, then sitting on a cushion, or a thick blanket to support the buttocks will greatly help.
Soft Surface: One could start practicing this on a mattress or on a sofa to give the spine and the legs the support until it gets flexible .
Relieves constipation
Improves digestion
Calms the brain and helps relieve stress, anxiety and mild
Stimulates the liver and kidneys
Stretches the hamstrings and calves
Strengthens the thighs
Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
Helps relieve headache and insomnia
Completely avoid forwards bends if you have lower back injuries
Neck injuries
High blood pressure (do not bring head down, rather keep it up and look straight ahead)