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Butterfly Pose

The hips when rigid limit all our movements.  Open up and find freedom in your asanas.

  1. Sit comfortably on a mat in Staff Pose (Dandasana).

  2. As you exhale, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together so that they touch each other.

  3. Now gradually bring your heels close to your pelvis without stressing your knees.

  4. Pushing the outer edges of your feet into the floor, wrap your hands around the feet.

  5. Keeping pelvis in neutral position, gently work your knees toward the floor.

  6. Start reclining your torso forward to ensure that your spine remains straight by bending from hip joints.

  7. Stay in this position for 1-10 minutes.

  8. Slowly come back to the initial pose.

  1. Relieves urinary disorders

  2. Strong hip and groin opener

  3. Stimulates pelvis, abdomen and back

  4. Relieves sciatica pain and stretches spine

  5. Prevents hernia

  6. Relieves stress

  7. Improves blood circulation and reproductive system

  8. Corrects irregular menstruation

  9. Effective for lumbar region, flat feet, infertility and asthma.


  1. Do NOT perform this pose if you have a groin or knee injury

  2. Do NOT perform this pose if you have high BP or heart problems

  3. Women should avoid performing this pose during menstrual days.

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